G*Snow Cafe
If you don't have cash to hand, you can now donate to the G*Snow Cafe click on the donate button to make a payment by card using PayPal.
Welcome to the G❄️Snow 100 CLUB!
This is a great opportunity for you to support us, while having the chance to win a cash prize! Each membership costs £2 a month (£24 for twelve months). You can take out multiple memberships if you like which increases your chances of winning. There are 3 prizes available to win each month, paying out half the monthly subscriptions in total (if all 100 memberships are active, monthly prizes will be £50, £35, and £15)
The money raised will be used to purchase equipment, resources and provide future coaching opportunities for club members.
If you would like to support G*Snow's fundraising through the 100 Club, please send an email to (please enter “GSNOW 100 Club” as the subject) for more information.
Thanks for your support!
Did you know that you can now support GSnow by shopping online? Every time you shop online via our easyfundraising page, a donation will be made to us, and it won’t cost you an extra penny. This will help us to purchase new equipment and resources.
With over 3,300 retailers to choose from, including John Lewis, Aviva, Sainsbury’s,, Tesco, Boots, Amazon, Debenhams, Argos, Ebay; there will be something for everyone!