Calling all G*Snowers...
Get ready to get active, have fun and raise money to support our club and snowsports in Scotland. We have teamed up with our friends at Lecht 2090 to create the “Lecht to Lech Challenge”! Between 20 November and 13 December, as a club we aim to walk, cycle, ski and run the equivalent of the distance from our home at the Lecht in Scotland, to the slopes of Lech in Austria - a distance of 2090km. Our target is to raise £2090, to be split between G*Snow, to support the purchase of a container to store our club kit, and Lecht 2090, to support their fundraiser to invest in new snowmaking equipment.
We'll send out more details throughout this week before 'going live' for the start of the Challenge on Friday.
Sign up for this event by dropping an email to giving details of who’ll be taking part.
