The booking system is open!!!!!!
- Aberdeen 26th Sept and 3rd October
- 1715 - 1915
- Aiming for 1.5hrs of skiing each session to proper get the stoke on
Thank you for your patience. Given that safety is our top priority we feel that we cannot over communicate what is to follow. It is repeated throughout the booking process. Please read carefully. And please please please shout if you have any questions. Email #weareallinthistogether!!
COVID - As a club with wonderful volunteers, coaches and members our objective is to take all reasonable measures to prioritise the health and wellbeing of all involved in this session - By signing up for this session you agree to follow the latest Scottish Government guidelines - You should not attend the session if you or anyone in your household have experienced any COVID related symptoms in the 48 hours prior to the session– a full refund will be issued - Please prepare by reading the following Sports Scotland guidance Preparation - Junior Coaching will be available for all Club Levels - if you are unsure of your ability level, please do let us know before booking so we can ensure there is a group for you. This means… Penguins Polar Bears Snow Tigers Snow Leopards G*Snow Racers Trail Blazers
Freestyle - Please note for younger participants coaches are permitted within the guidelines to come into close contact in very specific circumstances of very short duration; for example helping a younger child if they have fallen - Booking will close 48hrs prior to the session - Where possible, please bring your own equipment - If you require equipment please provide the following information: height - weight -shoe size -age - level - Be prepared in advance bringing the following items in a bag/ rucksack clearly marked with the participants name: Face mask - Hand sanitiser - Snack and water Arrival - Arrival time is between 1715 and 1735 to allow all participants to safely make their way through the centre – a one-way system will be in effect from reception to the slope - Where possible please arrive changed and ready - A maximum of 10 people at a time are allowed in the changing area so please expect some waiting time outside respecting social distancing guidelines - Please adhere to social distancing and hygiene measures whilst indoors at the facility – 2m, face masks, hand washing / sanitising etc. - Please exit the changing facilities as quickly as possible and meet the coaches at the bottom of the slopes - Please make it known to a coach that you have arrived, an electronic register will be taken for track and trace purposes During the session - The session will last approximately 1.5hrs - There will be an opportunity for a quick refreshment break at the coaches discretion - Social distancing will be encouraged during the session however participants are considered within a sporting ‘bubble’ and are therefore exempt from social distancing only whilst outside and only whilst the session is ongoing - If a participant becomes unwell with COVID like symptoms during the session they will be isolated following all requisite guidelines e.g. child safeguarding etc. and parents informed - Spectating is discouraged in the guidelines however we are well aware that some parents will wish to remain with their children, particularly younger children, in which case we would like to kindly request this is limited to 1 adult and government guidance is adhered to. Departure - A gradual departure will be in place between 1905-1915 to allow all participants, coaches and volunteers to safely leave the session - please take care to adhere to the same limits in the ski hire area when returning your kit - Should a participant become unwell with COVID like symptoms following the session please follow NHS test and protect guidelines
